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On this website the user will find a variety of tools and information.  For example, modern language translation apparatuses (one tool on the bottom of the current page, the other on a another page altogether) will help the user translate small amounts of text to and from certain modern languages. Also, a page exists that lists numerous links to various internet sites for both biblical and classical language study and theological research.  Another page contains some of my papers and other things that I have written during my undergraduate education.  The next  page of interest enables the viewer to make purchases from and the final page of this website contains a brief summary on the person of Jesus of Nazareth.  Any and all critique is welcomed (advertisements--banner ads, etc.--are not endorsed by myself and are promoted by Tripod).

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Papyrus fragment P52 John18:31-33

For further information concerning anything on this website feel free to email me: austinjalexander at gmail dot com

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