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- Review of Aland et al., Text und Textwert, vol.4 , nos. 2-3
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- Ray, P. J. --- An Evaluation of the Numerical Variants of the Chronogenealogies of Genesis 5 and 11
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- Encyclopedia of New Testament Textual Criticism
Paleography. Epigraphy, and Manuscript Images
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- Dating the Oldest New Testament Manuscripts
- Papyrology Websites
- The University of Michigan Papyrus Collection
- APIS, Advanced Papyrological Information System
- The Gospel of Judas - Chronological Order
- The Secret Gospel of Mark - Homepage
- Biblical Manuscripts Project
- Duke Papyrus Archive
- Index of /archaicmark/images
- Schøyen manuscript collection bible history literature palaeography
- Archaic Mark
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- Biblon 2000 Greek New Testament Home
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- Biblical Greek Resources by the Institute of Biblical Greek
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- Omniglot - a guide to written language (alphabets, hieroglyphs, Chinese characters, etc)
- Project on Bibliography of Tense and Aspect
Primary Source Databases
- bibliotheca Augustana
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First-Century A.D.
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Biblical and Language Links
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- Coptic John 1:1-14
- Lexicon: A Coptic/English Dictionary
- CopticChurch.Net - Coptic Orthodox Church Network
- Website about Coptic Orthodox Church, includes detailed information on Coptic Church history, Dogmas... Real audio Coptic Hymns, liturgies, and sermons
- Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies
- Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies
- The Online Critical Pseudepigrapha
- On-Line Texts Related to Biblical Study: Old Testament Pseudwpigrapha
- Gnostic Society Library: Sources on Gnosticism and Gnosis
- Words
- TEXTKIT - Greek and Latin Learning Tools
Early Versions
- EarlyVersions
- | For Fellow Students of the Bible in the Original Languages
- Biblical Greek and Hebrew Paradigms Quiz
- The Aleppo Codex Site
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Hebrew Scriptures
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Dead Sea Scrolls
- Dead Sea Scrolls & Qumran - Index
- Open Scrolls Project - Bringing the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Internet
- Wikibooks:The Open Mishnah Project - Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks
Translation Resources
- SIL International: Partners in Language Development
- AltaVista - Babel Fish Translation
- Bible translation
Fonts and Writing Utilities
- SIL Software by category: Font
- SIL Software by category: Font
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- Fonts in Cyberspace, Language fonts on the Internet
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- Antioch classical languages utility
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Bibles and Basic Bible Searches
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Church History
- A Brief Introduction to the Corpus Thomisticum [CTh7]
- e-Catena: Compiled Allusions to the NT in the Ante-Nicene Fathers
Encyclopedia Biblia
- aalar-achsah.pdf (application/pdf Object)
- kedeshah-kushaiah.pdf (application/pdf Object)
- contributors2.pdf (application/pdf Object)
- title.pdf (application/pdf Object)
N.T. Wright and the New Perspective on Paul
- N.T. Wright Page
- The Paul Page: Dedicated to the New Perspective on Paul
- Aramaic Studies
Societies and Associations
- Society of Biblical Literature
- American Philological Association
- APA - Member Login
- ASP Web Site
- ETS - Evangelical Theological Society
Email Groups
- textualcriticism : Textual Criticism of the Bible
- textualcriticism: Textual Criticism of the Bible
- lxx : Septuagint and Old Greek Studies
- lxx: Septuagint and Old Greek Studies
- The Biblical Greek Mailing List (B-Greek)
- Online discussion of biblical Greek. Archives of past discussions online.
Southern Baptist
- - Albert Mohler's Weblog
Contemporary Christian Authors
- Realms of Faith: Christian Authors Database
- Granville Sharp: A Model of Evangelical Scholarship and Social Activism
- Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
- Large Christian apologetics website on a wide variety of subjects: Chrisitian Doctrine, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Evolution, Atheism, Cults, tough questions, Islam, and much more.
- Reasons To Believe: Hugh Ross, Fazale Rana, Kenneth Samples
- The mission of Reasons To Believe is to show that science and faith are, and always will be, allies, not enemies.
PDA Software
- Biblical texts on Palm OS Devices
English Grammar
- Grammar
- - Learning English (ESL) Online
- Interactive Functional Dependency Grammar (A natural language parser demo)
- ENGCG: Constraint Grammar Parser of English
- Modern English Grammar : HyperTextBook
- The English subjunctive: scholarly opinions
- Project on Bibliography of Tense and Aspect
- International Address Formats (Postal/Mailing Addresses) and Other International Mailing Information
Things to Buy
- Brill Academic Publishers
- Dove Booksellers New Books
Surfing and Weather
- - Boat and Beach Buoy Forecast
- - Atlantic Ocean Satellite
Science and the Bible
- The Evidence for a Recent Dating for Adam, 14,000 to 15,000 years ago
- Restore Your Computer's Performance with Windows XP